Dutch TT racing track in Assen, Drenthe.
Calendar: Evenementen Archief - TT Circuit Assen

In the racing-season ( april-september ) you can listen to my two icecast2 audiostreams on weekends: 

http://www.pd1rh.nl:8000/pd1rh (may not work)


09.7.2022 11:00 :     enabled, scanning 172.050 MHz (racecontrol)
16.6.2023 16:00 :     enabled stream     172.050 MHz (racecontrol)
Using Raspberry PI 4 and newer input-device. Onboard sound is 'output only'.
10.7.2024 - Setup Icecast2 and Darkice. Change to port 8001 and same mountingpoint

The main radio is an AOR8000 handheld scanner 
Distance to the track is 4 km line of sight.


My setup:

  • Raspberry PI 4
  • 128GB microSD card
  • AOR8000 scanner receiver
  • USB microphone input (PI4 has no onboard audio input )

Configuration in a nutshell

  • Download operating system and put it on the card with an imager
    Operating system images – Raspberry Pi
  • Check if it all works on a monitor ( hdmi cable )
  • Install ICECAST2 and DARKICE
    Basic Setup - Icecast Docs
    Make a note of the passwords
  • Connect USB soundcard and verify .
    Find hardware settings using "aplay -l " and "asound -l"
    It should be visible
  • Adjust icecast XML file ( port numbers etc ) and check darkice cfg file ( ports, bitrate etc )
  • Start icecast server service
  • Start darkice process in the background
  • Connect your radio output to the USB audio input.
    Test with a FM radio broadcast for best convenience.
  • Configure port forwarding on your home network modem
  • Connect from anywhere in the word to your icecast server ( running on your PI4 ) 
  • Autostart icecast2 service and darkice using "rc.local" script.
    Powercycle is enough to restart the whole thing.
    Or a WIFI powerswitch  when you're not at home.

Enjoy !


ar8000 scanner

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